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Homeschool Search: Homeschooling Academic Program of Brazoria County
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Homeschooling Academic Program of Brazoria County
Angleton, TX
HAP - is a support system for all homeschooled students and parent support groups in Brazoria County. Local support and community groups use HAP e-mailing as an outreach tool to disseminate desired information (community service projects, field trips, workshops, yearly class programs and others of the like) to ensure that the homeschooled family in Brazoria County be informed.

In addition, annual standardized testing (Stanford/Olsat), Spelling Bees, Reading Clubs, (Book It & Read to Succeed), THSC, HSLDA and SETHSA support, community service projects, a shared library, Student & Teacher photo ID’s, and other events are offered. There are no monthly meetings or member fees; however some programs associated may have a nominal fee and/or other requirements for participation. or

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