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Christian Fellowship School
Christian Fellowship School
PO Box 37
Loachapoka, AL 36865
Christian Fellowship School has existed since 1988. Until 1997, the school was located in Salem, Alabama. When Nina Caldwell took over the school, it was moved to Loachapoka, which is 5 miles west of Auburn. The school presently consists of about 140 homeschool families, most of whom live in Lee and surrounding counties.

The main purposes of Christian Fellowship School are:

To provide a way for families in Alabama to legally teach their children in their home.

To provide a homeschool cover that is not a financial burden to the family.

To allow parents the flexibility to teach their children as they are directed by God.

I personally feel that more rules and restrictions would not make this a better cover, just a more burdensome one.

A parent it held responsible to God for raising and educating their child. I will be available to assist, direct, and make recommendations when requested, but it will be the parent that will stand before our creator one day and answer for their decisions concerning their children. To be effective teachers, parents need the freedom to choose what is the best way to educate their children.

-Nina Caldwell, Administrator

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